Monday, March 21, 2011

Sand Box and Roosting Sticks

 As the chicks get bigger, they seem to want to play more. They're also getting in a crazy amount more feathers every day, which I understand are supposed to be very itchy. Look at all those new feathers! We decided to give them a sand box to play, bathe, scratch and peck in. We dug up some sand from outside and, as we were recommended to do, boiled it up in a big pot.
When we first put it in, the chicks jumped in and scratched and pecked, but their main interest seemed to be sitting on its sides.
So we went outside and cut some sticks to put in for them, too. They seem to be very happy with their new toys! They hop on and off the sticks, on the sand box, in the sandbox, onto the top of the feeder, and jump from up high back into the sandbox. They squabble and push each other off the edges, or flap their wings and knock everyone off in an explosion of peeps.
They're really fun to watch!
The next day when I checked on them, they were all taking turns rolling around and flapping in the sand, flinging granules everywhere, getting really dusty. It must feel pretty nice on that itchy skin. :)

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